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Dr. Tamera Foley began her professional career in education in Unit District Number Five in Normal, Illinois as a Special Education Resource Teacher in 1981. She then moved back to her hometown of Rockford, Illinois, and spent fifteen years in the Rockford Public School District in various roles: Cross Categorical Special Education Teacher, Fifth Grade Teacher, and Assistant Director of Saturday School, Assistant Principal, Principal, and Special Education Coordinator. During the fifteen years, she continuously participated in and conducted trainings. She also completed her Master’s Degree and her Administration Degree. Dr. Foley was awarded with the Golden Apple for Excellence in Teaching, Distinguished Educator Award from the Rockford Branch of the NAACP, Special Thanks for Special People Award from the Parent Council of Rockford Schools, and the For Kids’ Sake Award. 


​Dr. Foley completed her work in Clayton County Public Schools in June of 2017 and now spends her time dedicated to her passion. As a life-long learner, she has presented to students in Limon, Costa Rica through an invitation from the United States Embassy. Dr. Foley spent a month exploring special education supports and services in Hungary and the Czech Republic through a Fulbright Scholarship. She has held various positions in Clayton County to include Director of Learning Support, Director of Student Services, and served as the Executive Director of Teaching and Learning. Dr. Foley has lead district initiatives such as the implementation of the school-based health center-The Family Health Center at North Clayton High School, Asthma Friendly School Initiative, Georgia Commute Options, Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, Social Emotional Learning, Implementation of Kurzweil to improve student and parent literacy, dropout prevention, literacy, and other initiatives that have a direct impact on the teaching and learning of students in Clayton County Public Schools.


​Dr. Foley is passionate about her work with students and is an advocate of all students.

Kids in Vegetable Farm

Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.

– Malcolm X

Children in School Bus

31 Years

Education 4 All Now LLC has over thirty-two years of experience in public education grades Pre-K-12.

Graduation Day

13 Years

We have won over 13 teaching awards regarding the work that we do! 

School Kids

5 Focuses
We specialize In Trauma In Children

We have expertise in special education, discipline, alternatives to out-of-school suspension, support services for students, and advocacy.

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Kids in Preschool

An Advocate for All Students

Cute Kids Posing Against Wall

Education 4 All Now LLC has over thirty-two years of experience in public education grades Pre-K-12. We have expertise in special education, discipline, alternatives to out-of-school suspension, support services for students, and advocacy. 


If you have questions about our services, please feel free to contact us.

We are happy to give you a quote on proposed services.


Mailing Address

160 Meacham Road #1004

Elk Grove Village, IL. 60007

© 2021 Education 4 All Now LLC  

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