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Educational Consulting

Education Saves Lives

Secure training for your administrators and teachers to meet the needs of all children.
Coaching available for those who need just a little more attention to greatness.
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Our Educational Consulting Services are research based best practices that are customized to meet the need of the individual client, school, or school district. Our areas of expertise are:


Special Education Supports and Services-We can assist schools with verifying that students are receiving the supports and services as addressed on the Individual Educational Program (IEP). We can assist in formulating a plan to establish annual 100% state compliance.

Behavior Management-We can assist schools with research based practices to work with individual students in implementing positive interventions. Assist schools in building a plan that is manageable and effective for challenging behaviors is one of our focuses in the area of behavior management. Maximizing the supports that are in the schools currently is a goal we can support. Every student is unique and the plan must also be unique to meet the individual needs of the student.

Alternatives to Out of School Suspension-Let us assist you in thinking of alternatives ways in addressing student discipline that will reduce out of school suspension. Working with community agencies and organizations building programs can lead to alternatives to out of school suspension while teaching students life skills. These skills can also be utilized when the student returns to the school setting.

Classroom Management-Supporting teachers in the classroom in the area of classroom management is essential for learning. Coaching and feedback for teachers is key in improving teacher practice and student behavior. We can provide face to face on-site coaching to assist with any challenges and needed support. We can begin with routines and rituals if needed and then progress to other areas when needed. No area is to small to address.

Social and Emotional Learning-We can provide professional learning to teadhers or work with teachers individually to increase their knowlege in this area. When teachers are more aware then their classroom practice should change and students will learn to self manage their emotions, practice kindness, work better in group settings, maintain positive relationships, and make choices that are more responsible.

Trauma Informed Care-Professional Development on Trauma Infomred Care and its impact on students, families, and staff is essential in schools today. We can work with schools on creating a safe and supportive environment, building on their current school culture and climate, and implementation of trauma informed practices.

Coaching and Feedback for Teachers and Administrators-We provide coaching in the area of behavior management strategies and classroom management for struggling teachers. We also provide feedback for administrators in how to improve the climate and culture of the school to increase learning and decrease down time. In addition, professional development is built into the program as a tool for continued support.

Facilitating Community Partnerships-Working with the school or district community is essential in building partnerships. We can work with individual schools to enhance the parterships or work to create new partnerships. 

Creating Educational Programs-Schools need programs that are not always available in the community or in the school district. Learn how to create your own programs to meet the needs of the students you serve. Working collaboratively and can increase funding and increase marketability for grants and other funding sources to help meet the unique needs of the students.

Online Socializing

Tamera Foley, Ph.D., Educational Consultant

Providing virtual services to ensure that no children are left behind.

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160 Meacham Road #1004

Elk Grove Village, IL. 60007

© 2021 Education 4 All Now LLC  

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